Jelčić Čolakovac, J. , & Bogunović, I. (2024). Putting languages into perspective: A comprehensive database of English words and their Croatian equivalents. Crossroads: A Journal of English Studies. [Accepted for publication]

Bogunović, I., Ćoso, B., Guasch, M., Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Ferre, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2024). How do we feel about borrowed words? Affective and lexico-semantic norms for most frequent unadapted English loanwords in Croatian (ENGRI CROWD). International Journal of Bilingualism. (WOS)

Bogunović, I., Ćoso, B., Jelčić Čolakovac, J., & Pavlinušić Vilus, E. (2024). Pod povećalom interdisciplinarnosti: novi pogledi na neprilagođene engleske riječi u hrvatskome jeziku. Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J., & Elkasović, S. (2024). Applying neurocognitive research in the language classroom: Potential benefits of using metaphors in ESP vocabulary instruction. The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa. Philology Series, 1(35), 305–324.


Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Jelčić Čolakovac, J., Bogunović, I., & Ćoso, B. (2023). Jutuber, jutjuber or yutjuber: Adapted forms of English loanwords in the written production of Croatian university-level learners. Journal for Foreign Languages, 15(1), 79–97.

Bogunović, I. (2023).  A corpus-based approach to English loanwords: Introducing the Database of English loanwords in Croatian. Fluminensia. 35(2), 437-460. (WOS).  

Bogunović, I. (2023).  Engleske riječi u hrvatskome: Jezično posuđivanje i dvojezična leksička obrada. Suvremena lingvistika. 49(96), 251-280. (WOS) 

Jelčić Čolakovac, J., & Borucinsky, M. (2023). In the melting pot of web-crawled texts: The challenges of extracting English words and phrases from Croatian corpora. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.  (WOS)

Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Jelčić Čolakovac, J., Bogunović, I., & Ćoso, B. (2023). Jutuber, Jutjuber or Yutjuber: Adapted forms of English loanwords in the written production of Croatian university-level learnersVestnik za tuje jezike [Journal for Foreign Languages], 15, 79-97.


Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Bogunović, I., & Ćoso, B. (2022). Students’ Strategies for Translating Most Frequent English Loanwords in Croatian. Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 48 (2), 547-570. (WOS)  

Borucinsky, M. & Bogunović, I. (2022). Crpljenje engleskih riječi iz korpusa hrvatskoga jezika. Fluminensia, 34(2), 435-461.  (WOS)

Ćoso, B., Guasch, M., Bogunović, I., Ferre, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2022).  CROWD‐5e: A Croatian psycholinguistic database of affective norms for five discrete emotions. Behavior Research Methods, 1-17. (WOS) 


Kučić, M. (2021).  Creating a Web Corpus using GO. Proceednings  of the 44th International Convention MIPRO 2021,  Croatian Society for Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (ISSN 1847‐3946 ), 1931‐1933.

Ćoso, B. & Bogunović, I. (2021). An experimental approach to negations:  studies in Croatian ad their contribution to the models of processing negation. Fluminensia, 33(2), 359-385.  (WOS) 


Bogunović, I. & Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2019). The Role of Informal Activities in Incidental Language Acquisition: The Relationship Between Language Use and Proficiency. Fluminensia, 30, 181-199. (WOS) 

Bogunović, I. & Ćoso, B. (2019). Lexical access in Croatian–English unbalanced bilinguals: a cross–linguistic study. Suvremena lingvistika, 87, 1-22. (WOS) 

Ćoso, B. & Bogunović, I. (2019). The role of linguistic cues in bilingual negation processing. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23, 21-36.  (WOS) 

Ćoso, B., Guasch, M., Ferre, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2019). Affective and concreteness norms for 3,022   Croatian words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(9), 2302–2312. (WOS) 

Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2019). On why anger can be poured, steeled, and boiled: corpus-driven study of anger metaphors in Croatian. Strani jezici: časopis za primijenjenu lingvistiku, 48(4), 197-222.


Ćoso, B. & Bogunović, I. (2017). Person perception and language: a case of English words in Croatian. Language & communication, 53, 25-34.  (WOS) 


Ćoso, B. & Bogunović, I. (2016). Cognitive processing of verbal quantifiers in the context of affirmative and negative sentences: a Croatian study. Research in language, 14, 203-220.  (SCOPUS) 

Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2016). Shared conceptual metaphors between English and Croatian and their effect on idiom learning. In Udier, S. L. & Cergol Kovačević, K. (Eds.), Metodologija i primjena lingvističkih istraživanja: Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskog društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku, 363-376. Zagreb: Srednja Europa.


Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2014). Croatian EFL learners’ comprehension of idiom use: Context, decomposability and age factors. Jezikoslovlje, 15, 373-393.


Bogunović, I. & Ćoso, B. (2013). English in Croatian Scientific Medical Discourse: A Corpus-Based Study. Fluminensia, 2, 177-191.  (SCOPUS)


Brdar, I. (2010). Engleske riječi u jeziku hrvatskih medija, LAHOR: časopis za hrvatski kao materinski, drugi i strani jezik, 10, 217-232.



Borucinsky, M., Bogunović, I., & Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2024). Pogled na engleske riječi u hrvatskome kroz prizmu jezičnih univerzalija. Croatian Applied Linguistics Society XXXVIII International Conference Language in the Age of Globalisation, Osijek, Croatia.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2024). Uloga jezičnog prijenosa u glagolsko-imeničkim kolokacijama na primjeru autentičnih tekstova iz područja pomorstva. 2 nd international scientific conference „Jezik, prijevod i međukulturna komunikacija“, Pula, Croatia.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2024). Metaphorical collocations through the prism of language teaching: Why and how they should be included in ESP vocabulary instruction. 10th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (10IeCSHSS), Belgrade, Serbia.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J., Bogunović, I., & Ćoso, B. (2024). A Corpus Study of Verb-Noun Dyads in Croatian: Towards a Psycholinguistic Database of Conceptual Metaphors in English and Croatian. The International Conference Corpora in Language Learning, Translation and Research, Zadar, Croatia.


Jelčić Čolakovac, J., & Elkasović, S. (2023). Applying neurocognitive research in the language classroom: Potential benefits of using metaphors in ESP vocabulary. Innovative Trends in Teaching Language for Specific Purposes in the Context of the Current Social Instability— INNO-LSP, Constanta, Romania.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J.  & Bogunović, I. (2023). Od novinskih mrežnih portala do baze neprilagođenih engleskih riječi u hrvatskom jeziku. CLARC 2023: Language and Language Data, 28. - 30th September 2023, Rijeka, Croatia.

Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Ćoso, B., Bogunović, I., & Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2023).  Istraživanje obrade engleskih riječi u hrvatskome metodom mjerenja evociranih potencijala. CLARC 2023: Language and Language Data, 28. - 30th September 2023, Rijeka, Croatia.

Bogunović, I., Ćoso, B., Guasch, M., Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Hinojosa, J. A., & Ferré, P. (2023).  ENGRI CROWD: Psiholingvistička baza afektivnih i leksičko-semantičkih normi za najčešće engleske riječi u hrvatskome. CLARC 2023: Language and Language Data, 28. - 30th September 2023, Rijeka, Croatia.

Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Bogunović, I., & Ćoso, B. (2023). Investigation into the processing of English loanwords in Croatian using cross-linguistic translation and semantic priming paradigms. 23° conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 6-9th September 2023, Porto, Portugal.

Bogunović, I., Pavlinušić Vilus, E., & Ćoso, B. (2023). Project ENGRI: Rediscovering English loanwords through computational linguistics, psycholinguistic and neuroscientific approach, 23° CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, 6-9th September 2023, Porto, Portugal.

Bogunović, I.  (2023). Linguistic borrowing and bilingualism: An interdisciplinary approach to English words in Croatian. 37th International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society: Language and migrations, 15-17th June 2023, Osijek, Croatia.

Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Ćoso, B., & Bogunović, I.  (2023). Investigation into lexical processing of unadapted English loanwords in Croatian using the cross-linguistic semantic priming paradigm. 37th International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society: Language and migrations, 15-17th June 2023, Osijek, Croatia.

Ćoso, B., Bogunović, I., Guasch, M., Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Ferré, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2022). ENGRI CROWD: An investigation into the affective and lexico-semantic content of English loanwords and their Croatian equivalents. XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Book of Abstracts, 30th May-2nd June 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.


Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Bogunović, I. , & Ćoso, B. (2022). Lexical access to unadapted English loanwords in Croatian: evidence from translation priming. ExLing 2022 Paris: Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 17-19 October 2022, Paris, France (paper, online).

Bogunović, I. , Pavlinušić Vilus, E. & Ćoso, B. (2022). English loan words in Croatian: The gap between the linguists’ expectations and the speakers’ needs. Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 - Inside and beyond binaries, 13th-16 th July 2022, Ghent, Belgium (online).

Ćoso, B., Guasch, M., Bogunović, I., Pavlinušić Vilus, E., Ferré, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2022) Affective norms of valence and arousal for 400 most frequent English words in Croatian language. Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 - Inside and beyond binaries, 13th-16 th July 2022, Ghent, Belgium (poster, online).

Bogunović, I. & Jelčić Čolakovac, Jasmina. (2022).  Trebamo li download, downloadati ili preuzimati: nastajanje sveobuhvatne baze engleskih riječi u hrvatskom jeziku [Do we need download, downloadati or preuzimati: creating a database of unadapted English loanwords and their Croatian equivalents]. 36th International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society, STANDARD AND NON-STANDARD IDIOMS, 9th-11th June 2022, Osijek, Croatia .

Pavlinušić Vilus, E. & Bogunović, I.  (2022). Differences in Grammatical Features of the Words in Croatian and English: Evidence from a Translation Task. 36th International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society, STANDARD AND NON-STANDARD IDIOMS, 9th-11th June 2022, Osijek, Croatia.


Kučić, M. (2021). Creating a Web Corpus Using GO . 44th International Convention on Information, Communication & Electronic Technology, 27th September-1sr October 2021, Opatia, Croatia.

Ćoso, B. & Bogunović, I. (2021). Do Asian languages as L1 influence the processing of negation in English as L2? Evidence from Cambodian sample. 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference: Actions and Innovations in Teaching and Learning, Mao, Sreng (Ed.), IDP, 2021, LRS21015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 5-7.02.2021.


Borucinsky, M. & Bogunović, I. (2020). Finding English words in Croatian: an analysis of corpus linguistics tools. 34th International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society, LINGUISTIC AND EXTRALINGUISTIC IN INTERACTION, 24th-26th September 2020, Split, Croatia (online).


Bogunović, I. & Ćoso, B. (2019). Cognitive processing of unadapted English words in Croatian: Evidence from Croatiaspeakers of English with different levels of L2 proficiency. 21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Spain, 25-28.09.2019.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J. & Bogunović, I. (2019). Transfer of meaning in L2 learning environment: Language proficiency, metaphor universality and language dominance as influencing factors. 2nd International Conference on Bilingualism Valletta, Malta.


Ćoso, B., Guasch, M., Ferre, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2018). Affective norms of valence, arousal, and concreteness for 3, 022 Croatian words. Joint Meeting of SEPEX-SEPNECA-AIP experimental, Campus Juan del Rosal, UNED, Madrid, 3-6 July 2018


Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2017). Up the creek with a paddle: Conceptual metaphors as a tool for teaching culture-specific vocabulary. Third International Symposium on Figurative Thought and Language, Osijek, Croatia.

Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2017). The representation of the container metaphor in Croatian and its implications for EFL teaching. XXXI. međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku "Jezik i njegovi učinci", Rijeka, Croatia.


Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2016). Turning the tide -Why culturally motivated idioms should be included in EFL curricula. 9th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece.


Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2015). Conceptual metaphor LOVE IS WAR in English and Croatian idioms: A cross-comparative study. 2nd International Symposium on Figurative Thought and Language, Pavia, Italy.


Ćoso, B. (2014). Cognitive processing of various Croatian negations. European Campus of Excellence, Memory and mind summer school, RUB, Bochum, 7.-20.9.2014.

Ćoso, B., Matešić, K. & Bogunović, I. (2014). Cognitive processing of verbal quantifiers in affirmative and negative sentences. XIX. Psychology days in Zadar, paper summaries, Zadar, 29.-31.5.2014.


Jelčić Čolakovac, J. (2012). The facilitative effect of metaphor upon memory: how figurative language allows for a more efficient memory of a collective. Re-thinking Humanities and Social Sciences: The Politics Of Memory, Zadar, Croatia, 6.-9.09.2012.

Brdar, I. & Ćoso, B. (2012). English language in Croatian medical discourse: A corpus-based study. International Scientific Conference, 14th Days of Bioethics, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, 10.-11.5.2012. 


Brdar, I., Ćoso, B. & Hodak, J. (2010). Person perception and language. Summer school in Cognitive neuroscience, Leipzig, 19.-21.07.2010.